Apple Immersive Video: 2024 Review

In 2024, the first year of the Vision Pro's release, Apple slowly but surely released a number of different Immersive video series and one-off shorts on AppleTV+.
The release schedule was relaxed, with just one or two – sometimes three! – episodes releasing each month.
While Vision Pro users – myself included – have been champing at the bit for more (and longer) videos, what we've seen so far has all been of a high quality, as you'd expect from Apple.
In total this year, we've seen:
- Three episodes each from Adventure, Wild Life and various Sports Events (I'm grouping the sports together, even if Apple treats them individually).
- Two episodes of Prehistoric Planet (the only 3D rendered Immersive TV episodes).
- One episode each from Rehearsal Room, Boundless, Elevated and Concert for One; as well as a single scripted short film (Submerged) and one Immersive music video (The Weeknd's Open Hearts).
These films and TV episodes average around 9 minutes each – the longest being Alicia Keys' "Rehearsal Room" at 20 minutes, and the shortest, the highlights of the Super Bowl LVIII and 2024 NBA All-Star Weekend, both at around 4 minutes in length.
With "just" 17 releases, the combined running time of Apple Immersive video in 2024 is approximately 152 minutes, or two and a half hours total.
Here's hoping we get many more Immersive films from Apple in 2025, as well as a clearer idea of the pathway for independent Immersive films to be released for Vision Pro – but I'll save discussion around this for another post in the New Year.